Heard this? The latest buzz to hit the tinsel town is that recently a top director from Bollywood Rohit Shetty approached Nayanthara for an item number in Shahrukh Khan's film Chennai Express. Sources say that the director wanted to cast a top heroine from south and as such approached Nayanthara to do an item song in the romantic comedy. But the actress has turned down the offer.
Nayanathara, who has a good market across South India (Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam), apparently did not evince interest in the Bollywood offer. It seems that the sexy siren does not want to make her Bollywood debut with an item song and as such has politely turned down the offer.
Chennai Express is about a man's journey from Mumbai to Rameshwaram and what happens along the way. The film, which is produced by Gauri Khan, has Deepika Padukone playing the female lead role. And this is the second time Shahrukh Khan is sharing screen space with Deepika Padukone after the 2007 blockbuster Om Shanti Om.
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