Actress Janani Iyer has signed on a couple of projects in Tamil, and she has bagged two films from the production house that made Pizza and Soodhu Kavvum. Her next film will be Thegidi, which is being directed by debutant Ramesh. The film has Ashok Selvan in the lead. A visibly excited Janani Iyer says, "I am thrilled to be playing the lead in this film. It is a very interesting script; the story is an out-and-out thriller and we will be shooting in the city for the film."
After Avan Ivan, the actress has been acting in a couple of Mollywood films and she is back to Tamil films after a small break. She says, "Working in Mollywood has been a different experience altogether. Their way of working is different; they complete a film within a very short span of time. They are very thorough with what they do; I learnt professionalism while shooting for my Malayalam film. I am hearing a few scripts there as well and I am planning to shuttle between Tamil and Malayalam industries, with more focus on Kollywood films for some time."
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