Regina Cassandra, who returned to Kollywood with Kedi Billa Killadi Ranga, is up to her neck with work. She recently completed the shoot of her Telugu film Shankara opposite Nara Rohit. She says, "I am taking a small break and will be visiting Chennai. After this, I will be joining Sai Dharam Tej for a film that is being directed by AS Ravi Kumar Chowdhary."
Simultaneously, she has also signed another film opposite Allu Sirish, being directed by Eerojullo fame Maruthi. "The characters I am doing in all these films are very different from each other. In the Ravi Kumar Chowdhary film, I play the role of an arts student who is very serious in life, and in the film being made by Maruthi, I play the role of a vivacious girl, whose idea of a good life revolves around money," says the actress.
In addition, she has also committed to a bilingual film produced and directed by Prakash Raj, which is based on the Malayalam move, Salt N Pepper.
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