Bollywood's most respected couple Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan celebrated their wedding anniversary in France a couple of years ago. At that time, both wanted to spend a quiet and calm time with each other, away from the busy life, family and friends.
Bachchan, who has always been in love with the city of fashion and romance — Paris — had promised Jaya that he would take his wife to the countryside of France and to Paris for their anniversary. TOI has now learnt from sources that Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan have bought a house in the French capital. And, Jaya is currently in the process of doing up the house. Does this mean that Indian cinema's biggest legend will now commute frequently between Paris and Mumbai?
We SMSed Bachchan, who replied saying, "This is not entirely correct... I'm out of the country and will be back in a few days."
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