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Jackie Chan urges fans to avoid rhino horn products - CineDen

Jackie Chan urges fans to avoid rhino horn products

Jackie Chan recently stood up against the use of rhino horn products and has called for a boycott for the same.

The 'Rush Hour' actor, in a new public service announcement, asked his fans to boycott products made from rhino horns with an intention to stop their senseless slaughter, Contactmusic reported.

With an aim to oppose the homicide of rhinos for their horns, the 59-year-old martial artist filmed a video for organizers at the African Wildlife Foundation and WildAid.

Chan stated that everyone pays for guns, bullets, arrows, chainsaws, axes and machetes to hack off the face of the rhino, and shells out money for the life of a beautiful creature, asserting that one should avoid buying products made from rhino horn and when the buying stops, the killing can be stopped as well.

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